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Project P.U.R.I.F.Y. is the official program of Kappa Psi Kappa Inc. The P.U.R.I.F.Y. initiative will offer our members the opportunity to ease and support our community on a national and global level while staying true to the illustrious vision of our distinguished Fraternity, The Bond of Brotherhood, Never Settling in the past but Striving for the Future.​​

P - Positive Health Awareness

U - Unrelenting Service/Philanthropy

R - Reinforced Leadership and Development

I - Involvement/National and International Political Involvement

F - Focus on Education/Scholarship

Y - Yearning for the Unbreakable Bond of Brotherhood

Kappa Psi Kappa Fraternity, Inc. asserts that through its community outreach initiatives, the fraternity supplies voice and vision to the struggling communities throughout the nation. We provides a foundation of leadership skills to its members that are developed through service to others. The service our members provide set the Fraternity a part from other Greek organizations. The fraternity combines its efforts in conjunction with various philanthropic organizations such as: Big Brother, Big Sister, March of Dimes, Action Aides, Habitat for Humanity, and Stand Up for Kids. 


Kappa Psi Kappa Fraternity, Inc. provides an identified or recognized effort of service to extend to or include others, especially undeserved, underrepresented, or vulnerable populations utilizing the four forms of service:

• Volunteering-Providing non-compensatory, direct hands-on service or support to a community need.

• Philanthropy-The exchange of funds or goods to support a non-profit or community endeavor.

• Donations- solicited on behalf of a program or cause; Collecting canned goods for a food pantry; Bake sale.

• Immersion-A short term engagement where participants collaborate with community members on a project or activity that meets expressed community needs.

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